December 23rd, 2020
Earlier today the HEAVEN movie and BRIDGE & ACORN ENTERTAINMENT social media sites and websites, announced that top American Theater chain CINEMARK had signed HEAVEN for an exclusive second theatrical release throughout their cinemas nationwide.
As of January 22nd 2021, HEAVEN will be screening in every open CINEMARK theater for an exclusive release.
Director and Screenwriter Angus Benfield stated "We are very fortunate and excited to be teaming with Cinemark and for Heaven to have a second release. Covid certainly has hit cinemas, films, and cinema lovers hard, so we are pleased to be able to bring our film to audiences theatrically once again, and to be able to continue supporting both with our content. Be sure to get out there safely and support your local theaters and films, theater owners are going above and beyond to do everything possible to provide a covid-compliant-safe-environment for their movie viewers, including affordable private group screenings, so contact your local cinema now because they need your support and we love our cinemas and don't want to lose them!"
Check CINEMARK websites and HEAVEN social media for updates on dates and times as the release date gets closer.