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August 6th, 2019


Alan Duprey is one of the owners of Media 14:36, a publishing and media company and author of the book, “Heaven; The Adventure Begins.”

Having his book made into a movie has been a dream for Duprey since 2008, he added, "It is funny how The Lord can take an average man and direct his paths with twists and turns according to His will." 

Mr. Duprey's background is not in film or writing, in fact his career has been in manufacturing for the last forty years and he is still in a wide variety of manufacturing shops all over New England focusing on CNC Machining applications and also owns a company called MACDAC Engineering.

When asked on how the idea for the book came about, Duprey shares, "In 2008 I was at church listening to a sermon on the resurrection. During the message I felt the Holy Spirit calling me to write a book about Heaven. It took a few months of the Lord prodding me to move forward because I had never written before nor had the desire to write a book, especially on a challenging subject like Heaven, however, the Lord directed my steps and each chapter was based on something I read in the scriptures or from a sermon I had heard. If it was not for the Lord’s prodding the book never would have been done.

After Duprey's book was written, he discovered that the subject of Heaven, was a forgotten subject and that most people never considered it. "The Lord put on my heart to learn about Heaven, so I read books and searched the scriptures and then began to teach the glories of Heaven from a biblical perspective combined with observation and reason. I then discovered by the testimonies of others that this subject can impact people’s lives."

As an owner of Media 14:36, Mr. Duprey had worked with other producers and had made movies previously. Through Media 14:36 they found Angus Benfield, the Director, Lead Actor and Screenwriter of the Heaven movie. "He was everything we needed to bring the Heaven book to screen. I believe this is the first in a trilogy." 

Duprey believes the Heaven movie has a two fold mission. One is to change the view that Heaven is a boring place and like an endless church service, "I want to make known the greatness of what God has prepared for us and create an excitement in the hearts of people as they consider their eternal home and what they will be like and what they will do." The second mission is to bring hope and peace to those who have bad memories of past events, he states, "Many of these memories hold them captive and eat away at their lives and rob them of the joy that life can give. I hope this movie can give relief to those that have suffered loss or regret the decisions and circumstances of the past." Duprey also has a hope "that this film will give hope for the future and that Heaven would not be a place that people fear, but embrace. I hope God uses this film to speak into hearts that desire times of refreshing and answers many questions people have about Heaven. I believe this movie is a stepping stone and I hope it raises questions and that people would begin to seek answers."

Mr. Duprey shares that his personal prayer for this movie is that it would spread globally and would give great hope to those who watch it and that the subject of Heaven extends past the church doors, "I pray that this movie would show that God can redeem all things in our lives. Through His mighty power, He can take helpless situations and use them for good to change lives."

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